Monthly Archives: July 2010

Turtle terrariums: what you need to know about them

If we perceive turtles historically, they have been the symbols of patience and wisdom. In the Hawaiian the word “honu” means sea turtles and represents long life. Turtles have been alive for more than 200 million years. Indeed true, several species of turtles can live to be over a hundred years of age including the American Box Turtle. The earliest turtles had teeth and they could not pull their heads into their shells, but other than that they were very similar to the turtles that are alive today. Some people believe that the turtles’ shell is what has allowed them to successfully survive for so long.

If you’re someone who finds turtles as amazing creatures, then I’m sure you’re looking forward to having one as a pet, that is, if you don’t already have one. Well, if you have a pet turtle and would like to look for a better nook or place to keep them, then you should consider having a turtle terrarium.

Turtles can be kept in outdoor enclosed turtle pens or indoor turtle terrariums. Keeping turtles outside increases their longevity. If you’re going to keep your turtle in an indoor terrarium, remember that the terrarium must be kept meticulously clean to avoid disease. Choose a turtle terrarium that’s at least five times the length and five times the width of your turtle. It is also important to opt for a turtle terrarium that’s easy to clean. A detachable bottom makes it easier to clean the tank’s floor.

Cold-blooded creatures, such as turtles that live in a terrarium rely on external sources for body temperature regulation. So it really is a must to confirm that the terrarium is easy to mist. You’ll have to add humidity to the terrarium every day.

Turtle terrariums can simulate a turtle’s favorite environment by allowing the user to create both land and water areas for their turtle’s good health and happiness. Once the pet owner has selected a Plexiglas terrarium large enough for the turtles mature size, she can simulate a turtle’s natural environment by layering in a pond. A proper turtle terrarium will have a pond big enough for a turtle to swim freely. Some salt will be added to help fight bacteria and maintain the turtle’s health. In a natural environment, turtles love the water and spend a great deal of their time there. So a turtle terrarium must have a water feature, preferably with a filter.

Turtles love to explore their environment, and are curious by nature, so putting some plants (non poisonous) in a turtle terrarium helps to simulate their natural living areas and provides them with some things to explore and rest under and around. Turtles may chew the plants, so making sure the plants are not poisonous is extremely important.

Most turtle terrariums feature hollowed-out log “furniture” for the turtle to take shelter under. Turtles, like all animals need to feel secure and in nature sleep and rest under logs and in niches in the rocks. A turtle terrarium simulates this by providing the shelter so that the enclosed turtle doesn’t feel stressed in his tank. So why not build a turtle terrarium for your pet turtle today? Surely, it’s really worth it.

Tips about finding the perfect turtle tank

Many people like to keep pets. They sure are nice to keep and their presence is comforting. In fact, some people claims that having pets really helped them to de-stress. It’s just one of the advantages of taking care of animals. When talking about pets, I guess most of us are thinking about dogs or cats or any animals which are commonly taken cared of by people. But there are some of us who prefer to have not so common pets. There are definitely a lot of animals which rightly fits this definition. And a turtle is one of them. If you have a penchant for taking care of turtles, then you’ll agree that giving them a good place to hang about is certainly a must. For starters, you should first consider the turtle tank where your pets would be kept safely.

Turtle tanks are the most important equipment needed if you plan to build terrariums for turtles. These tanks need to be made of strong materials that can withstand water pressure. Turtle tanks also have to be big enough to accommodate your turtle, yet still look good in wherever corner of the room you put it.

Regardless of the turtle tanks’ shape, you will have to calculate its size based upon the mature size of your turtle if you don’t want to have to buy a new tank every year. For every additional turtle, increase the turtle tank’s dimensions by more than half of its current dimension. The minimum land area dimension for turtle tanks are one and a half times the length of the turtle in diameter. The area is not required to be circular, but it should accommodate the diameter of the turtle.

If you plan to add big stones or decorations, you will also have to increase the size of the tank. This will prevent the decorations from obstructing or reducing the swimming area available to the turtle.

Along with water for the swimming area, your turtle tanks will also need land, since turtles are creatures that religiously bask in the sun. The land area is vital. Every water turtle needs a land area on which she can climb. You can build the land area from bricks, rocks, wood. Another important thing to keep in mind is that the turtle tank must be set up in a place away from direct sunlight, but don’t keep it too hidden too.

Don’t forget that the water filtration is essential. You should be very careful when you choose the tank filter because it should be strong enough for the size of your tank. The turtle needs to have a specific water temperature in its tank. So you should also buy a water heater. You’ll also need a thermometer so you can know all the time the exact temperature of your turtle tank.

Turtle tanks are available in lots of glass materials. Regular plate glass is used in modern aquariums. They are also cheaper than the alternatives. Low-iron glass is more expensive than regular plate glass. Whatever material it’s made from, a turtle tank will provide a clear view so you can appreciate the contents of the tank and you can keep an eye on your adorable pets.

Aquatic turtle supplies

You might want to know what your turtle needs in order to live long and healthy. After all turtles are lovable among other pet around. This is why people prefer turtles than any other amphibians. But since they do not make noise or even movements that might catch up your attention, you need to provide their needs on your own. Though they may not be as demanding as other house pets, still you need to provide their needs such as the aquatic turtle supplies.

So to help you out I gathered some of the aquatic turtle supplies that will definitely make your pet turtle happy and healthy.

Make sure to consider different species

You should always remember that not all turtles are alike. There are different species as well as sub species. This means each of them has different needs when it comes to food, sheltering and water needs. There are also some differences even when taking care same species. For example, box turtle is divided into subspecies such as American and Asian turtle are different from each other even though they are both considered box turtle. It is important that you know what turtle you have so that you can provide the right care your pet turtle needs.

Outdoor habitat

Bear in mind that turtles do not live in solid indoor environment. As much as possible, you need to make the same environment they usually live in. This means you should prepare and provide your turtle an outdoor habitat. This is one of the most important things you need to consider in aquatic turtle supplies. Giving your pet turtle the right kind of outdoor habitat will help them live long and healthy and free from any diseases.

You should provide and make sure that their outdoor habitat has 15 feet from side to side. The enclosure should have the right water source wherein your turtles can swim freely. They should also have their own basking place and shedding area.

Indoor habitat

If you can not fully provide the right and proper set up of outdoor habitat, then you need to give your turtle indoor habitat. Bear in mind that some turtles will love to swim in deep waters while there are others that love to swim in shallow water. So make sure that you provide the right amount of water in their aquarium or enclosure.


The last aquatic turtle supplies is the turtle food. Bear in mind that turtles are omnivores. Turtles can be plant eaters or animal eaters. Again you have to find out what species your turtle is so you won’t have problem feeding them. But in general, you can give your turtle variety of foods or you can even mix their foods. You can mix worms with some fruits and veggies. Some turtles may not eat every day while others need to be feed every day. If you don not have any idea about this issue then you can always call your vet for advise.

Aquatic turtle food

So now that you have your turtles with you, are you ready to feed them? Do you know any aquatic turtle food that will not only satisfy your turtle’s hunger but will also make your turtle healthy and live long? This article will give you some great ideas that will surely give you and your pet turtle the benefits you both need.

Most pet turtle owner feed their turtles some turtle foods which are typically bought from pet shops. Some even include supplements on their meals. But you can have another option and this option is a lot healthier than those pet shops bought turtle food and supplements. It is far better to provide your pet turtle the natural kind of food and supplements that will help it stay strong and protected from any diseases. To make even make this method effective, it is advisable that you also provide your turtle the right and balance diet. You may still provide your pet turtle some supplements if you think that their aquatic turtle food has lacking of vitamins and minerals needed by your turtles to live long and healthy.

But some experts prefer to give their pet turtle the kind of aquatic turtle food that it usually gets from the wild. Below are the list of natural foods you can easily provide and give your pet turtle without the fears and worries of any side effects.


Did you know that turtles love to eat aquatic turtle foods such as goldfish, minnows, trout and guppies? You can either feed your turtle whole fish or you can chop it into pieces or halves. But it is always best to freeze your aquatic turtle food so you can still feed your turtles for the following days. This will help get rid of the parasites from the turtle’s body. You should feed your turtle thrice a week.

Some greens and vegetables

It is also important that you give your turtle some greens. This will help your turtle to stay healthy and protected from diseases. You can provide you pet turtle some cabbages, lettuces, alfalfa and clover. Sometimes turtle eats berries so you can try giving your turtle this sweet but healthy treat as well.


It is also essential that you give your turtle some supplements aside form the aquatic turtle food you provide them. Calcium supplement is important. You can provide your turtle calcium block. This mineral should be provided in form of supplements since you it can’t be easily find in the aquatic turtle foods you give your pet turtle.

It is important that you know exactly what your turtle needs especially what aquatic turtle food you should provide your pets. If you are unsure about this matter, you can always ask your vet for advice or you can check the net for some details. From here you will get the full description of the product plus some customer reviews and how much it will cost you.

Aquatic Turtles tips and tricks

Are you thinking of keeping some aquatic turtles? Do you know how to take care of them? Do you have any ideas what supplies they need in order to survive for a long period of time? If not then this article will help you out.

Aquatic turtles are one of the easiest kinds of turtles that do not require much attention. But to give you more details about them, you’d better read all the important things below in order to keep your aquatic turtles strong and healthy for a long time.

Is taking care of aquatic turtle time consuming or not?

Aquatic turtles are ideal for people who want to have pets but do not have much time to take care of them. These amphibians do not actually need your attention every day so you can still attend your daily activities without the worries and fears that your pet turtles might get hurt or something.

How much is it?

The aquatic turtle is not that costly but the tank and its other supplies might cost you over a hundred dollars. Still, this is the only initial cost you need to set up the tank or habitat. The monthly maintenance is no longer that expensive as it may only require you to spend 50 dollars every month. Not much of a cost, right?

If you decided to keep aquatic turtles then you’d better get larger tank so you won’t have to replace it once your turtle grows. This will help you save a lot in replacing tanks in the future.


Taking care of aquatic turtles does not actually need a lot of attention but these changes when it comes to cleaning time. Sometimes cleaning the tank or the enclosure can be overwhelming. These turtles may not mess up your place but their aquariums or enclosure will surely get dirty and messy. If you do not want to clean the tank every day then you’d better get good and high quality water filter.

Now to completely clean the tank you need to remove all the decors, pump, filter, basking platforms and other stuff you put in your aquarium or enclosure. Make sure that you clean these stuff separately before you place it all back into the aquarium or enclosure.

Should I get a wild aquatic turtle or not?

It is always advisable not to pet wild aquatic turtles as they can be very hard and tricky to take care of. Plus the fact that wild turtles are better off on their habitat.

What I should feed them?

Aquatic turtles need some leafy veggies and some small fishes in order to survive. You also need to give them some calcium supplements to make them strong and healthy.

How to find a good Turtle Ramp

Are you considering of having some turtles as pets? Do you have the needed materials that would help your turtle lives long and healthy? Do you have the turtle ramp? This article will help you get started.

Turtle ramp is one of the many things your turtle needs in order to live comfortably on his tank or aquarium. It is important that you provide your turtle this ramp so that it can have an easy access to exiting the water without tipping over.

Some turtles are easy to handle while there are some that requires full attention and care. If this is your first time to own a turtle then you’d better learn how to take care of them the right and proper way. Turtle ramp should be placed in the corner of your turtle aquarium or tank. This will be your turtle’s way or access to exit the water. Sometimes this ramp is also used as basking area of turtles. Ramp is also considered to be a resting place for turtles especially if they get tired of swimming around.

Turtle ramp is available in every pet shop and you can even get some great turtle ramp from online shops as well. Online shops offer great choices of turtle ramp. Some may be costly but some are cheap. Some are made from plastic while others are made from sturdy materials but will cost you a bit. In online shops you will get to find wide arrays of designs and styles. You can also get the product’s full description, price, customers’ reviews and even the cost of it. You can always check the net first to see which one you like for your pet turtle before going to the pet shop to pick the similar one.

Though there are some pet turtle owners who don’t prefer turtle ramp for their turtle pets, it is advisable that you get your turtle one of these ramps. This will not only make your turtle live long and healthy but will also help your turtle get easy access into and out the water. Turtles don’t actually need to stay long in the water especially if you are getting a land turtle.

When choosing for the right turtle ramp, make sure that you get the right and proper one. Make sure that the ramp you will get was made from safe materials. There are some materials such as plastic that has chemicals that may harm your turtle especially if the ramp will be soaked in the water for a long time. The chemical may leak and get in to the water and once your pet turtle drink this water, it may cause serious health issues or even untimely death.

Getting the right things for your turtle is very important just like by choosing the right turtle ramp. This will make your turtle live long and healthy and will even make your pet turtle comfortable and happy. Go and get your pet the right turtle ramp now!

Where to find Cheap turtle tanks

If you want to keep your turtles strong, healthy and alive for a long period of time then you’d better get them the right turtle tank even it has to be a cheap one. There are many cheap turtle tanks in pet shops and even in online shops that would give your turtle the benefit that would help them stays strong.

Since turtles are considered to be one of the easiest pets you can have, then many have already started keeping these amphibians as their pets. But not all turtles are the same. Bear in mind that there are subspecies of turtles as well and these differ from one another. Turtles are not that costly but the set up of its tank and other supplies plus the monthly maintenance can add up to your budget.

Again you can easily buy cheap turtle tanks from online pet shops and land pet shops. But there are certain things you need to consider when buying cheap turtle tanks and these are:

Summer cheap turtle tanks

You can easily build your summer tank as big as you want. This is advisable especially if you got small turtles as they will surely grow into large turtles. This will help you save a lot since you do not have to replace tanks every time your turtle grow big. Make sure to build your tank in the eastward direction so that your turtle have space for direct sunlight to keep them warm. See to it that your cheap turtle tank should have enough space for swimming around, for basking and for shedding area as well as for food dishes and water for drinking. The water dish should not be too deep just in case your turtle falls down, it won’t have difficulty climbing out.

Turtles are great climbers so make sure that place screen or glass lid to help prevent your turtle from escaping as well as pots and other things near their aquarium or enclosure. Turtles can even climb out using some vines or plant stem, so make sure that you do not put any of these things near or around your turtle tank.

Winter cheap turtle tank

Most turtles are terrestrials. Most of them come from the hottest part of the world. Make sure to install the right temperature for your tank which is around 20-30 C. You can easily attain this temperature by placing an infrared heated light on the tank. You should also provide some hiding place on the tank wherein your turtle can easily get an access to in case they can’t bear the cold temperature of the environment.

Simply follow these when setting up cheap turtle tank so that your turtle will get all the great benefits which will help it live long and healthy.

Everything you want to know about an Aquatic Turtle

Are you planning of having some turtles? Do you have any idea which kind of turtle you want to keep as your pet? Do you know how to take care of them? If not, then this article will help you a lot as it will tackle one of the many kinds of turtles and this is the aquatic turtle.

Aquatic turtle is considered to be one of the most delightful pets you may have. But id does not mean that they can be easily taken care of. They need more attention and care than most ordinary turtles. They require more labor than any kinds of turtles.

The required housing for aquatic turtle depends on its size and how many you are planning to keep. You can choose from glass aquaria, plastic containers, stock watering tanks and pond liners. If you are going to build an outdoor enclosure, make sure that it has some shade available. Never placed or put your tank or aquarium under the heat of the sun or directly to the sun as it may overheat easily. Bear in mind that the more you make your tank or your aquarium simpler the more can easily clean it. Try to avoid gravel or sand substrates as this may only make your cleaning hard. If you are going to set up a more elaborate tank or aquarium, make sure that it has filtration, bottom drainage and low stocking densities.

Clean Water
It is important that you only use clean water to ensure the health of your aquatic turtle. It is also essential that you change the water regularly. Partial water is not acceptable as this may only add up more dirt and algae and this can harm your aquatic turtles. If you have smaller tank or aquarium, it means you have to change the water more frequent. But if you have a larger tank or aquarium then you only need to change the water less. But if you are going put more aquatic turtles on the tank or in the aquarium, it is important that you frequently change the water even if you are already larger size of tank.

Feeding can also affects the cleanliness of the water so make sure that you change the water after you feed your turtles. Some foods have foul smell that can make the water dirty. If you are going to feed your aquatic turtles in their enclosure then you have to change the water within 12 hours of feeding. Now if you want to keep the water clean, then opt for another container wherein you can place your turtles and feed them there instead on their tank or enclosure.

Diet and Nutrition
Now if you want to make your aquatic turtles live long and healthy, make sure that you provide them the right diet and nutrition. Make sure that you fed them with varieties. You can feed your turtles some goldfish, guppies, trout, bait minnows and smelt. You can also feed your aquatic turtles some earthworms and night crawlers since these are very nutritious.

Treat your turtles right and they will surely live long and healthy.

Looking for a Turtle Terrarium?

Are you planning to set up your own turtle terrarium? Do you know how design one? This article will help you get started.

If you are going to keep land turtles then you need to place them in an outdoor enclosed turtle pens or indoor terrariums. If you will keep your turtles outdoor, this will increase their longevity. Now if you are going to keep an indoor turtle terrarium, make sure that you keep it clean at all times to prevent your turtles to acquire certain diseases that might cause them untimely death.

If you are a beginner then you should consider some things before you buy a turtle terrarium. The first thing you need to do is to choose a turtle terrarium that is five times the height and width of your turtle. It should be at least 5 square feet. Make sure that you keep your turtle safe with a secure lid. This is important if you don’t want your turtles to escape their terrariums. The next thing you need to do is to attach a full-spectrum fluorescent lamp on the turtle terrarium. Your terrarium should have the right source of lighting. Third thing you need to set up is the basking area for your turtles. Make sure that you provide large area for basking. You should also place the water basin wherein your turtles can easily get into.

When choosing for the perfect turtle terrarium, most experts recommend that you get the kind of terrarium that was made from Plexi glass. Plexi glass actually creates glare which is important for turtles. See to it that the terrarium has two sides made from Plexi glass. You should also see that the terrarium you are going to buy can create mist easily. You will have to add up more humidity on the terrarium every day. If you can buy the kind of terrarium that has a built in heater under it, then choose this kind as it will make your job less complicated plus it can give your turtles all the great benefits they need in order to live long and healthy. If you can also see that comes with a detachable bottom, then get this one as it will make your cleaning job less hard and tricky.

Getting the perfect turtle terrarium can be a bit complicated especially if you are a new turtle owner. But you can always go to your nearest pet shops to check out which kind of terrarium will suit your turtle’s needs. You can also check out the net for more details that will help you decide which kind of turtle terrarium to get. There are numerous sites offering complete product details and description, customers’ reviews and even how to’s articles which will surely help you set up the perfect terrarium for turtles.

Make sure that you set up your terrarium right. See to it that you only uses high quality materials when setting up your terrarium as this will ensure your turtle’s health.

Turtle Tanks for Sale

Are you looking for some turtle tanks for sale? Do you have any idea which type of turtle tank you should buy? If not then this article will help you.

You can actually find different kinds of turtle tanks for sale in your local pet shops or you can browse the net for more choices. But before you buy one, make sure that you know exactly what kind of turtle tank you should get. This will depends on the size of your turtles and just how many you are going to put in it. If you are going to keep small turtles, let’s say, for just about four of two of them then you can opt for smaller tank but if you are going to build a terrarium of turtles then you should look for larger tank that will hold them all. It is important as well that you provide them some space for basking and playing around. Try not to put up too many decors or even that sand and gravel substrates as these may block their space for swimming around.

Bear in mind that turtle tank is a lot different from the usual fish aquarium you kept in your house. For, turtles can grow larger even if you bought them in a very small size. Most new pet owner believed that baby turtles do not grow as big as they can get so they only purchase small tank size. This is wrong since turtles, as I stated above, can grown big and larger. Typically you need to get a 25-30 gallon tank. This is suitable for any size of turtles. It will have enough space for them to bask and to move freely even if you are going to punt some decors and stones. But to get the best turtle tank sale, you should then opt for the special kind of tank which is the long or “breeder” tank which is more suitable for all sizes of turtles. Also the depth of the water should be more than the width and length of your turtle. In case the turtle decides to flip over, it will not get stuck itself on the shallow water.

It is also important that the tank you are going to buy has powerful filtration. Turtles are messy eaters and they usually defecate in the water so make sure that your tank has the right kind of filtration to keep the water clean. But if you have larger turtles and they frequently get fed on the water, then make sure that you change the water regularly. This is important so as to keep your turtles healthy.

Another thing you should consider when buying turtle tanks for sale is that it should have a lid and s full spectrum fluorescent light. It should have a good kind of heater so as to make the water of the tank stays in temperature. These are the things you need to consider when getting turtle tanks for sale. Look and compare prices as well and don’t just get the first one you will see on the pet shops or in the net.