If you are living in California and looking for ultrasound technician schools around the area, then you’re on the right page. California is a big state and you will come across plenty of ultrasound technician schools. For you to have a more organized search, this list will give you information on the different schools that you can go to and inquire.
American Career College
- this college is dedicated to the belief that all their students have the right to succeed to their full potential. To meet this challenge in post-secondary education, American Career College’s mission is to provide adult learners with the skills and technical knowledge needed for initial employment in entry-level positions.
- 3130 East Sedona Court, Ontario, California 91764
- (951) 739-0788
- www.americancareer.com
- 2-year, Private for-profit
- Less than one year certificate;Associate’s degress;Two but less than 4 years certificate
ATI College
- the mission of this particular school is to help with the improvement of the lives of people through providing them with professional work-skill training.
- 12440 Firestore Blvd Ste 2011, Norwalk, California 90650
- (562) 864-0506 x10
- www.ati.edu
- Less than 2 years, Private for-profit
- Less than one year certificate; One but less than two years certificate
- Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology
Career Colleges of America
- CCA provides quality and valued-training programs and services in order for the students to acquire skills and competencies needed for enrty-level positions in their chosen fields.
- 5612 E Imperial Hwy, South Gate, California 90280
- (562) 861-8701
- www.careercolleges.org
- Less than 2 years, Private for-profit
- Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training
Foothill College
- their school provides a dynamic learning environment that fosters excellence, opportunity and innovation in meeting the educational needs of their diverse students and community.
- 12345 El Monte Rd, Los Altos Hills, California 94022
- (650) 949-7777
- www.foothill.edu
- 2 years, public
- Less than one year certificate; One but less than two years certificate; Associate’s degree; Two but less than 4 years certificate
- Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
Lincoln University
- the University’s mission is to provide a synthesis of innovative and traditional education leading to outstanding opportunities for American and Internation students
- 401 15th Street, Oakland, California 94612-2801
- www.lincolnuca.edu
- 4 years, Private not-for-profit
- Less than one year certificate; One but less than two years certificate; Associate’s degree;Bachelor’s degree; Master’s degree
- Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools
These are some of the best ultrasound technician schools in California. As you can see, most of these school are accredited and it is very important that you enroll yourself in an accredited ultrasound technician school as much as possible. You may also have noticed the programs they offered and the school type. This guide will be perfect for those who are still looking for ultrasound technician schools.