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Why A High Fat Diet Is Actually Good For You

The History of “Bad Fat”

For many years, it was common knowledge that fatty foods were the main reason to blame for weight gain. High fat diets were scorned by doctors because they cause weight gain, and they were also a main contributor to the prevalence of heart disease. Scientific studies that were carried out in the late 1940’s sought to answer the factors that contribute to coronary heart disease. In the end, they found that those who had elevated levels of cholesterol were more likely to be diagnosed with heart disease and ultimately die from it. In the coming decades, the American Heart Association began promoting a diet that they claimed would help to minimize the heart disease that was plaguing the country. This diet was low in fats, and as such, suggested that people try to reduce the amount of butter and other animal products that are high-fat. They said it would be beneficial to eat a diet that was made up of low-fat foods such as chicken and margarine.

The findings of these studies resulted in a number of fast-food establishments changing their fry oil to vegetable oil, which contains much less saturated fat than the palm oil and animal fats that were used previously. Unsurprisingly, the studies that prompted these actions had more public policy effects in the coming years. The classical “Food Pyramid” is really what drove this point home. Fatty foods were placed near the top and were supposed to be consumed sparingly. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, were chosen to be located near the base as their consumption was encouraged to be the healthier option. Scientific studies conducted over the last couple of decades have turned this idea on its head. It turns out that a diet that’s high in fats and low in carbohydrates is a great way to shed fat and keep it off. Even more intriguing is the idea that a high fat diet may actually protect the heart from diseases.

High A High Fat Diet Works

High fat diets work by depriving the dieter of carbohydrates, which in turn pushes the body into a state known as ketosis. This means that instead of burning glucose for its energy (which comes from carbohydrates), the body will instead turn fat into a usable supply of fuel. Several studies have shown that a high fat diet is a great promoter of weight loss and may even be effective in reducing the insulin needs of diabetics. When an adequate amount of both protein and fat are provided, those who choose a high fat diet will experience no muscle loss – something that cannot be said about other diets which limit overall caloric intake.

Many people find avoiding carbohydrates to be the hardest part of sticking with a high fat diet. Soda and other sugary beverages are a popular treat, same as is ice cream, candy and other dessert items. Unfortunately, the carbs don’t stop during dessert time. Bread, rice, potatoes and other starchy vegetables are also major sources of carbs. If you can manage to stick to it, a high fat diet that is low in carbs will pay off in the end.

A Ketogenic Diet For Adults

Despite the complex name, the idea behind the ketogenic diet is a simple one. When the body is fed a constant diet of foods with high fat and protein, it begins to burn fat rather than carbohydrates. When this occurs, the liver begins a conversion of fat into ketone bodies and fatty acids. The body then begins to use the ketone bodies as a source of energy. This stands in stark contrast to a typical diet in which carbs are turned into glucose which are then used as a fuel source for the body.

In this way, the ketogenic diet mimics some aspects of starvation while providing adequate nutritional needs. Unlike other diets which limit protein or calorie intake, a properly planned and implemented ketogenic diet does not lead to muscle loss.

There are many reasons to consider a ketogenic diet. The most obvious is to promote the aforementioned fat burning properties. Several studies have shown that the diet is effective for many trial participants. Some physicians also recommend a ketogenic diet to treat epilepsy in children. On another note, a ketogenic diet for adults has been promoted by weight lifters and bodybuilders for several decades to help muscle gains and fat loss. Since a well rounded ketogenic diet can encourage extreme fat burning, it helps in maintaining the sculpted look that fitness enthusiasts strive for.

Sufferers of type 2 diabetes may also be interested to know about a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet government study that has been published recently. It has shown that the ketogenic diet is an effective method of lowering insulin dependence. Some studies have also shown hemoglobin levels improving at a rate much greater than a low fat diet that also limits caloric intake.

A lot of the ketogenic diet for adults flies in the face of what many people consider to be dietary wisdom. Normally, fatty foods are associated with being fat. But our understanding of nutrition and how the body deals with carbohydrates is much more advanced in modern times than when these older principles were laid out.

Take a moment and start to think about all the sources of carbohydrates in your diet. The most obvious culprits are soda and other sugary beverages, foods made of refined flour as well as those that are high in starch, such as white rice and potatoes. These foods are easily digestible in the body. Although that sounds like a good thing, it simply means that the body processes the carbohydrates in them more quickly, and then pumps a large load of glucose into the bloodstream. Insulin is the primary regulator of lipoprotein lipase, which is what forms outside the cells in our body and promotes fats to come inside and be stored.

So what exactly can those on a ketogenic diet eat? A high fat and high protein ketogenic diet for adults is very easy to plan. Lovers of meat and cheese will be right at home while following this nutritional regimen. Deep fried foods are also great to have. Just make sure to keep the amount of breading or flour to a minimum. As with any diet changes, be sure to consult the doctor before taking the plunge. There are side effects on the ketogenic diet, and although rarely severe, your physician will be able to guide you through the process.

Low Carb Soups

Soups are often the appetizers of a meal. Soups are delicious, but they contain high amounts of carbohydrates that can make a person gain weight. They are also forbidden to people on a ketogenic diet. Fortunately, the companies that make soup took notice and are now making ready-to-eat low carb soups as well.

The world is rapidly changing. As modern technology continues to progress, more and more people are getting sucked into unhealthy diet. Most of the time, they tend to disregard their health as if it is not an important part of living. In contrast, there are also a lot of people who are trying to live healthy lives. Because of the growing demand, there are now more healthy foods being released in the market. This includes low carb soups.

Low carb soups will not only make you lose weight, but they also encourage a healthier lifestyle. There are now many of them being served in restaurants and other food chains. There are also more ready-to-eat varieties that are being sold in groceries and supermarkets. For those who prefer to make their own, you will find low carb ingredients for soups.

Moreover, there are low carb soup recipes that you can find in books or through the Internet. This helps people have more reasons to eat healthy. The more resources, the better. People today are being given numerous options to live a healthier life. Ideally, this should not be an excuse not to live a healthy life.

If you’re tempted to try out that delicious creamy soup in the menu, why don’t you just order low carb soups? It’ll be much better for you.

Make Your Own Low Carb Bars

Are you busy most of the time and hardly have time to catch breakfast? We all know that it isn’t healthy, but there is a way for you to feel energized even if you’re running late with the help low carb bars. An example is a protein bar which is a healthy option that’s quite fulfilling. There are plenty of low carb bars being sold today. If you’re up for some whipping and stirring in the kitchen, then you can make your own.

Here is one simple low carb protein bar recipe:


  • 2 cups of protein powder
  • 1 cup of oatmeal
  • ½ cup crunchy peanut butter
  • 1 cup of skimmed milk


  1. Mix the skimmed milk, peanut butter and oatmeal in a large bowl.
  2. Add sufficient water during the mixing process for dough consistency.
  3. Place wax paper on a cake pan and spread the dough evenly.
  4. The mixture should be placed in the fridge for 4-5 hours, or until the dough hardens.
  5. Remove the mold and cut it in desired size.

See, it’s pretty easy! You can make a lot of these low carb bars so when you’re running late, you can easily grab one off and go!

Now, here’s something that is a little bit more complex than the first recipe:

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Protein Bar


  • 1 ½ cups of creamy peanut butter
  • ½ cup of cocoa powder
  • ½ tsp of peanut butter flavoring
  • ½ tsp chocolate flavoring
  • 1 cup of oat flour
  • ¼ cup of Stevia blend
  • 2 egg whites2 cups of Whey protein powder
  • ½ cup nonfat dry milk powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ cup of water


  1. Place all the dry ingredients in a blender and process it for a couple of minutes on high speed.
  2. On a medium-sized bowl, mix the egg whites, peanut butter and flavoring. Beat until the ingredients are combined.
  3. Transfer all the ingredients from the blender to the egg mixture.
  4. Pour water as you mix them together until dough is formed.
  5. Line the baking tray with wax paper and pour the dough.
  6. Preheat oven at 325 degrees F and bake for 15-20 minutes.

There you have it. There are more recipes that you can find online as well in books. These low carb bars are also perfect for children.

Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan

A ketogenic diet is very similar to the Atkins diet wherein the food should be high in fat, low in carbohydrates and full of protein. Furthermore, a ketogenic diet meal plan can be used to treat uncontrollable epilepsy in children. Instead of supplying the body with energy, it will be forced to burn off fats. This article will attempt to give you a general idea of the food items preferred by those who are on this meal plan.

What are the types of food that you should consume if you are on a ketogenic diet meal plan?

  • Butter
  • Cream
  • Dairy products
  • Meats
  • Egg yolks
  • Nut varieties
  • Fish
  • Extra virgin olive oils

Here is an example of a ketogenic diet meal plan:
For breakfast:

  • 2 eggs, two rashers of bacon and one cooked tomato

For lunch:

  • Beef burger wrapped in lettuce

For dinner:

  • Green beans, mushrooms and red peppers fried in flaxseed oil with a salmon steak


  • Unlimited yogurt and full-fat milk. Matchbox size of cheese. Strawberries and cream, peanut butter.

If you are on a ketogenic diet meal plan, you should keep in mind the foods to avoid:

  • Starchy fruits and vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Salad dressings
  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Chocolate
  • Cakes

If you’re very interested in the ketogenic diet meal plan but want to know more about it, here are the pros and cons of the diet itself.

  • It is proven to be very effective for children who have refractory epilepsy.
  • Your body will turn into ketosis. Ketosis means that your body will use your fats as fuel instead of the carbohydrates.
  • The ketogenic diet is effective to use short term.


  • Consuming foods that are high in fat can cause a lot of problems like high cholesterol and hypertension.
  • Your breath will start to smell foul over time.
  • The ketogenic diet is limited. There are a lot of beneficial fruits and vegetables that you should avoid because of their starch content.
  • Vitamins and minerals deficiency.

Normally, children go through this kind of diet because of medical conditions. In addition, people who are trying to lose weight try the ketogenic diet to see if it will make them lose more weight.

Hopefully, this article has provided you with the information you need on a ketogenic diet meal plan.