Mirror balls are more in-trend today than disco balls, it gives a more sophisticated and classy “feel” to the area, unlike disco balls that is funky. Mirror balls are used in night clubs, stores and it is also often used in some popular music videos. You can do a lot with mirror balls.
Mirror Balls are available on Amazon, some with FREE SHIPPING, through this link right here.
Mirror balls can be a great ornament as well. The use of the mirror balls as an ornament can often be seen in clothing stores. These mirror balls gives the place a sophisticated and at the same time a bit playful atmosphere. Pair it up with some cool background music and people will definitely get to appreciate the whole theme of the store. Mirror balls can also be seen in some high-rated and classy night clubs or bars that offer not too much dancing but more on talking or bonding with friends with a few drinks and a little party atmosphere. This will give a less and more laid-back atmosphere to a bar than those colourful disco balls that really scream PARTY.

Mirror Ball with 2 Motor Pinspots available on Amazon for $69.99 with FREE SHIPPING. Click on pic for more details.
The use of mirror balls is also being used in some photo shoots and music videos as well, especially if the music is a party song. You don’t want too much colours on the screen, right? Also, it is best to complement a colourful theme rather than pairing it up with colourful disco lights that can be too much. It’s like pairing the colour black with the colour white for a more balanced colour. Mirror balls are to brighten up a particular atmosphere and were first used by jazz players back in 1919.
It also comes in different sizes and you may have seen some mirror balls in a Christmas tree. They are usually silver in colour and metallic and when touched by a light or anything bright it will definitely sparkle and throw a lot of dazzling and sparkling shiny colour. There is also a multi-coloured mirror ball in the market but this is often used in dance clubs that offers more dancing and partying. There are also some places that mix their disco lights, colourful disco balls mixed with mirror balls can be seen in some dance clubs and bars.
Mirror balls give a more conventional look to a place, a classy atmosphere indeed. So if you are planning a party with your friends and you just want it to be low-key, not too much dancing and partying just sitting down with your friends and having some few cocktails or beers, a mirror ball will be perfect. Other than home parties, if you’re planning an event or designing a club and you want to give it a sophisticated feel, mirror balls will also be perfect.
Mirror Balls are available on Amazon, some with FREE SHIPPING, through this link right here.