Now that you have a water softener, whether it’s a salt free water softener or not, it is time that you focus on water softener installation. For you to be able to ensure that the machine that you purchase works properly, you must know how to properly install the machine. Don’t worry, it comes with instructions so, pay attention to it. Remember that each water softener have their own specifics when it comes to their actual installation but there are several aspects of water softener installation that are common to all types.
First step in water softener installation, you must consider the location. If you plan to keep the machine indoors, make sure to keep it in a dry area that doesn’t have much flactuations in temperatures. However, if you chose a machine that has two tanks, make sure that they are close together and the brine tank is accessible. This is because this is the tank that you will need to refill so it is very important that you can get to it easily. On the other hand, if you are planning to put it outdoors, it must be in an area that is away from direct sunlight. There are a lot of tank that you can purchase that comes with a jacket that will help protect the tank from the sunlight and other inclement weather.
Also, there should be a presence of an electrical outlet. It must be less than 50 feet from the water softener unit and you should also have a drain in the area that is at least 1 ½ inches in diameter. You can use a tubing to extend to a drain that is out of the way or you may use a flexible tubing or a more rigid PVC tube.
- If the media is not installed in the tank prior to the water softener installation, you will need to do this step as well. The way you install this will depend on the size of your tank and whether or not your tank has a turbulator. A larger tank of 64,000 grains or a tank that doesn’t have a turbulator will require a gravel underbed.
- Once you have placed the gravel, you can now follow the directions and install the media in the tank. Following this, you will be able to install the bypass valve and then th einlet outlet water connections according to the included instructions.
- Next in the water softener installation process, you will take the brine tubing and connect the water softener control valve and the brine tank. Once you have placed this tubing, you can connect the brine tank overflow. This can be done by attaching the 5/8” tubing from the brine tank and run it to the drain.
- Program the conrol that will be responsible for softening the water correctly. Run the backwash cycle and look for leanks and tighten any loose fittings. Watch the tank as it runs through a cycle of water to be sure that everything works correctly.
The next instructions are very general and should only be applied in combination with the instructions that have come with your unit. Water softener installation doesn’t have to be difficult. The main key is to follow the instructions. Remember also that there are two types of water softener, the salt free water softener and the no salt water softener.